myApp.addNotification(parameters) - 通过指定的参数来创建/显示通知
myApp.closeNotification(notificationElement) - 关闭指定的通知
参数(Parameter) | 类型(Type) | 默认值(Default) | 参数说明(Description) |
title | string | 标题。默认和App参数中的notificationTitle 相同,为undefined iOS theme only | |
subtitle | string | 副标题。默认和App参数中的notificationSubtitle 相同,为undefined iOS theme only | |
media | string | 媒体元素(图标或图片) - 包含icon或图片的HTML片段。默认和App参数中的notificationMedia 相同,为undefined iOS theme only | |
hold | number | 通知的停驻时间(单位ms),如果指定了该参数,那么通知将在指定的时间后自动关闭。默认和App参数中的notificationHold 相同,为undefined | |
closeIcon | boolean | true | 是否显示关闭按钮。默认和App参数中的notificationCloseIcon 相同,为true iOS theme only |
button | object | Material notification button. Accepts 3 properties:{ text: 'close', color: 'blue', close: true } Where
Material theme only | |
closeOnClick | boolean | false | 点击通知的HTML元素时,是否关闭通知。默认和App参数中的notificationCloseOnClick 相同,为false |
additionalClass | string | 添加给通知HTML元素的类,一般用于自定义样式 | |
custom | string | 给通知自定义HTML内容结构(如果你想的话)。如果使用"custom"参数,"title","subtitle","media"和"closeIcon"参数会被忽略。 | |
onClick | function | 点击通知HTML元素的回调函数 | |
onClose | function | 通知关闭的回调函数(无论是手动关闭还是通过调用myApp.closeNotification 方法,都会执行) |
<body> ... <div class="notifications list-block media-list"> <ul> <!-- 单个通知条目 --> <li class="notification-item"> <div class="item-content"> <div class="item-media"> <!-- 通知多媒体 --> </div> <div class="item-inner"> <div class="item-title-row"> <div class="item-title"> <!-- 通知标题 --> </div> <div class="item-after"> <!-- 通知关闭图标 --> <a href="#" class="close-notification"></a> </div> </div> <div class="item-subtitle"> <!-- 通知副标题 --> </div> <div class="item-text"> <!-- 通知消息 --> </div> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </body>
<body> ... <div class="notifications list-block media-list"> <ul> <!-- 单个通知条目 --> <li class="notification-item"> <!-- 自定义通知内容 --> </li> </ul> </div> </body>
<div class="page-content"> <div class="content-block"> <p><a href="#" class="button notification-default">默认通知</a></p> <p><a href="#" class="button notification-full">包含所有元素</a></p> <p><a href="#" class="button notification-custom">包含自定义图片</a></p> <p><a href="#" class="button notification-callback">关闭时触发回调函数</a></p> </div> </div>
var myApp = new Framework7(); var mainView = myApp.addView('.view-main'); var $$ = Dom7; $$('.notification-default').on('click', function () { myApp.addNotification({ title: 'Framework7', message: '这是一个包含标题和消息内容的简单通知' }); }); $$('.notification-full').on('click', function () { myApp.addNotification({ title: 'Framework7', subtitle: '通知副标题', message: 'This is a simple notification message with custom icon and subtitle', message: '这是一个包含自定义icon和副标题的通知', media: '<i class="icon icon-f7"></i>' }); }); $$('.notification-custom').on('click', function () { myApp.addNotification({ title: '真是个酷炫狂拽的App', subtitle: '来自土豆的消息', message: '地瓜地瓜,土豆呼叫地瓜。在9点方向发现如花,BalaBalaBala', media: '<img width="44" height="44" style="border-radius:100%" src="http://lorempixel.com/output/people-q-c-100-100-9.jpg">' }); }); $$('.notification-callback').on('click', function () { myApp.addNotification({ title: '真是个酷炫狂拽的App', subtitle: '来自土豆的消息', message: '地瓜地瓜,土豆呼叫地瓜。在9点方向发现如花,BalaBalaBala', media: '<img width="44" height="44" style="border-radius:100%" src="http://lorempixel.com/output/people-q-c-100-100-9.jpg">', onClose: function () { myApp.alert('通知被关闭了~'); } }); });
var myApp = new Framework7({ material: true }); var mainView = myApp.addView('.view-main'); var $$ = Dom7; $$('.notification-single').on('click', function () { myApp.addNotification({ message: 'Simple message' }); }); $$('.notification-multi').on('click', function () { myApp.addNotification({ message: 'Multi-line message. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc in magna nisi.', }); }); $$('.notification-custom').on('click', function () { myApp.addNotification({ message: 'Nice yellow button', button: { text: 'Click me', color: 'yellow' } }); }); $$('.notification-callback').on('click', function () { myApp.addNotification({ message: 'Close me to see Alert', button: { text: 'Close Me', color: 'lightgreen' }, onClose: function () { myApp.alert('Notification closed'); } }); });