myApp.actions(groups) - 创建并弹出操作表,其包含指定数量群组的按钮
myApp.actions(buttons) - 创建并弹出操作表,其包含一个群组,群组包含指定数量的按钮
参数 | 类型 | 默认值 | 描述 |
text | 字符串 | 按钮上的文本(可以是HTML字符串) | |
bold | 布尔值 | false | 可选,若为真,则按钮上文本加粗 |
color | 字符串 | 可选,按钮颜色,待选颜色有10种 | |
bg | string | Optional. Button background color, one of 10 default colors | |
label | 布尔值 | true | 可选,若为真,它会成为标题,而不是按钮 |
disabled | boolean | false | Optional. Set to "true" if you want to make button disabled |
onClick | 函数 | 可选,当用户点击该按钮时,会调用这个函数 |
<body> ... <div class="page-content"> <div class="content-block"> <p><a href="#" class="ac-1">One group, three buttons</a></p> <p><a href="#" class="ac-2">One group, title, three buttons</a></p> <p><a href="#" class="ac-3">Two groups</a></p> <p><a href="#" class="ac-4">Three groups</a></p> <p><a href="#" class="ac-5">With callbacks on click</a></p> </div> </div> ... </body>
var myApp = new Framework7(); var $$ = Dom7; //- One group, three buttons $$('.ac-1').on('click', function () { var buttons = [ { text: 'Button1', bold: true }, { text: 'Button2' }, { text: 'Cancel', color: 'red' }, ]; myApp.actions(buttons); }); //- One group, title, three buttons $$('.ac-2').on('click', function () { var buttons = [ { text: 'Do something', label: true }, { text: 'Button1', bold: true }, { text: 'Button2', }, { text: 'Cancel', color: 'red' }, ]; myApp.actions(buttons); }); //- Two groups $$('.ac-3').on('click', function () { var buttons1 = [ { text: 'Do something', label: true }, { text: 'Button1', bold: true }, { text: 'Button2', } ]; var buttons2 = [ { text: 'Cancel', color: 'red' } ]; var groups = [buttons1, buttons2]; myApp.actions(groups); }); //- Three groups $$('.ac-4').on('click', function () { var buttons1 = [ { text: 'Share', label: true }, { text: 'Mail', }, { text: 'Messages', } ]; var buttons2 = [ { text: 'Social share', label: true }, { text: 'Facebook', }, { text: 'Twitter', } ]; var buttons3 = [ { text: 'Cancel', color: 'red' } ]; var groups = [buttons1, buttons2, buttons3]; myApp.actions(groups); }); //- With callbacks on click $$('.ac-5').on('click', function () { var buttons = [ { text: 'Button1', onClick: function () { myApp.alert('Button1 clicked'); } }, { text: 'Button2', onClick: function () { myApp.alert('Button2 clicked'); } }, { text: 'Cancel', color: 'red', onClick: function () { myApp.alert('Cancel clicked'); } }, ]; myApp.actions(buttons); });
myApp.actions(target, groups) - 创建并打开一个包含指定多组按钮的操作表(在平板电脑上是Popover)
myApp.actions(target, buttons) - 创建并打开一个包含指定一组按钮的操作表(在平板电脑上是Popover)
var myApp = new Framework7(); var $$ = Dom7; $$('.something').on('click', function (e) { var target = this; var buttons = [ { text: 'Button 1' }, { text: 'Button 2' } ]; myApp.actions(target, buttons); });
myApp.closeModal(actionSheet) - 关闭弹出窗口
事件 | 目标 | 描述 |
open | 操作表元素<div class="actions-modal"> | 当操作表开始弹出动画的时候,事件触发 |
opened | 操作表元素<div class="actions-modal"> | 当操作表完成弹出动画的时候,事件触发 |
close | 操作表元素<div class="actions-modal"> | 当操作表开始结束动画的时候,事件触发 |
closed | 操作表元素<div class="actions-modal"> | 当操作表完成结束动画的时候,事件触发 |
如果你希望能自定义操作表的模板,你可以在初始化App的时候传入一个 modalActionsTemplate
参数。这个参数值是一个 Template7 模板字符串,这个模板会被 Template7 编译,编译的时候会传入一个 groups
<!-- This template equalt to default layout --> <div class="actions-modal"> <!-- this is a single group --> {{#each this}} <div class="actions-modal-group"> <!-- now this represents a single button --> {{#each this}} {{#if label}} <span class="actions-modal-label">{{text}}</span> {{else}} <div class="actions-modal-button {{#if color}}color-{{color}}{{/if}} {{#if bold}}actions-modal-button-bold{{/if}}">{{text}}</div> {{/if}} {{/each}} </div> {{/each}} </div>
If you use convertation of Action Sheet to Popover, then you may customize Popover template by passing modalActionsToPopoverTemplate
parameter on App initialization. This parameter accepts Template7 formatted HTML string that will be compiled by Template7 with passed groups
Here is the default template:
<div class="popover actions-popover"> <div class="popover-inner"> {{#each this}} <div class="list-block"> <ul> {{#each this}} {{#if label}} <li class="actions-popover-label {{#if color}}color-{{color}}{{/if}} {{#if bold}}actions-popover-bold{{/if}}">{{text}}</li> {{else}} <li><a href="#" class="item-link list-button {{#if color}}color-{{color}}{{/if}} {{#if bg}}bg-{{bg}}{{/if}} {{#if bold}}actions-popover-bold{{/if}} {{#if disabled}}disabled{{/if}}">{{text}}</a></li> {{/if}} {{/each}} </ul> </div> {{/each}} </div> </div>