

在Laravel中连接和使用数据库非常简单。 数据库配置在 app/config/database.php 文件中. 所有受支持的数据库系统都列在了配置文件中,在配置文件中可以同时配置多个数据库系统的连接信息, 并指定默认使用哪个数据库连接。

Laravel 目前支持四种数据库系统,分别是: MySQL, Postgres, SQLite, 和 SQL Server。

Read / Write Connections

Sometimes you may wish to use one database connection for SELECT statements, and another for INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements. Laravel makes this a breeze, and the proper connections will always be used whether you are using raw queries, the query builder, or the Eloquent ORM.

To see how read / write connections should be configured, let's look at this example:

  1. 'mysql' => array(
  2. 'read' => array(
  3. 'host' => '',
  4. ),
  5. 'write' => array(
  6. 'host' => ''
  7. ),
  8. 'driver' => 'mysql',
  9. 'database' => 'database',
  10. 'username' => 'root',
  11. 'password' => '',
  12. 'charset' => 'utf8',
  13. 'collation' => 'utf8_unicode_ci',
  14. 'prefix' => '',
  15. ),

Note that two keys have been added to the configuration array: read and write. Both of these keys have array values containing a single key: host. The rest of the database options for the read and write connections will be merged from the main mysql array. So, we only need to place items in the read and write arrays if we wish to override the values in the main array. So, in this case, will be used as the "read" connection, while will be used as the "write" connection. The database credentials, prefix, character set, and all other options in the main mysql array will be shared across both connections.


完成数据库配置后, 就可以直接使用DB类执行sql语句了.

执行 select 语句

$results = DB::select('select * from users where id = ?', array(1));

select 方法总是返回一个包含查询结果的 array

执行 Insert 语句

  1. DB::insert('insert into users (id, name) values (?, ?)', array(1, 'Dayle'));

执行 Update 语句

  1. DB::update('update users set votes = 100 where name = ?', array('John'));

执行 Delete 语句

  1. DB::delete('delete from users');

注意: updatedelete 语句返回操作所影响的数据的行数(int)。


  1. DB::statement('drop table users');


可以使用 DB::listen 方法监听数据库操作:

  1. DB::listen(function($sql, $bindings, $time)
  2. {
  3. //
  4. });


将需要在事务模式下执行的查询放入 transaction 方法内即可:

  1. DB::transaction(function()
  2. {
  3. DB::table('users')->update(array('votes' => 1));
  4. DB::table('posts')->delete();
  5. });

Note: Any exception thrown within the transaction closure will cause the transaction to be rolled back automatically.

Sometimes you may need to begin a transaction yourself:

  1. DB::beginTransaction();

You can rollback a transaction via the rollback method:

  1. DB::rollback();

Lastly, you can commit a transaction via the commit method:

  1. DB::commit();


有时可能需要同时使用多个数据库系统(MySQL,Postgres,SQLite,SQL Server), 通过DB类的 DB::connection 方法来切换:

  1. $users = DB::connection('foo')->select(...);


  1. $pdo = DB::connection()->getPdo();

使用reconnect方法重新连接一个指定的数据库系统: DB::reconnect('foo');

If you need to disconnect from the given database due to exceeding the underyling PDO instance's max_connections limit, use the disconnect method:

  1. DB::disconnect('foo');


Laravel默认会为当前请求执行的的所有查询生成日志并保存在内存中。 因此, 在某些特殊的情况下, 比如一次性向数据库中插入大量数据, 就可能导致内存不足。 在这种情况下,你可以通过 disableQueryLog 方法来关闭查询日志:

  1. DB::connection()->disableQueryLog();

调用 getQueryLog 方法可以同时获取多个查询执行后的日志:

  1. $queries = DB::getQueryLog();