




  1. Config::get('app.timezone');


  1. $timezone = Config::get('app.timezone', 'UTC');



  1. Config::set('database.default', 'sqlite');



通常应用程序根据不同的运行环境确定不同的配置项的值是非常有用的。例如,你也许希望在开发机器与生产机器上使用不同的缓存驱动(cache driver)。根据环境来改变配置就能很容易的达到此目的。

config目录下创建一个和你的环境名同名的目录,例如local。然后,创建配置文件,这些配置文件中包含你想覆盖的配置选项。例如,要在本地环境中覆盖缓存驱动(cache driver),你可以在app/config/local目录中创建cache.php文件并包含如下内容:

  1. <?php
  2. return array(
  3. 'driver' => 'file',
  4. );

注意: 不要使用'testing'作为环境名,它是专门为单元测试所保留的。


接下来,我们需要指导框架如何确定其运行环境。默认环境总是produciton。然而,你可以在安装目录的根目录下的bootstrap/start.php 文件中设置其他的环境。在该文件中,你可以找到 $app->detectEnvironment方法的调用。传入的数组参数就是用来确定当前运行环境的。你可以根据需要添加其他的环境或机器名。

  1. <?php
  2. $env = $app->detectEnvironment(array(
  3. 'local' => array('your-machine-name'),
  4. ));

在此案例中,'local' 是运行环境的名称,'your-machine-name' 是服务器的主机名。在Linux和Mac上,可以通过 hostname 命令来确定所用机器的主机名。

如果你需要更灵活的环境检查方式,可以在调用detectEnvironment时传递一个闭包(Closure) , 这样你就可以按照自己的方式检查环境了:

  1. $env = $app->detectEnvironment(function()
  2. {
  3. return $_SERVER['MY_LARAVEL_ENV'];
  4. });



  1. $environment = App::environment();

你还可以将参数传递给 environment 方法来判断应用环境是否与某个给定值匹配:

  1. if (App::environment('local'))
  2. {
  3. // The environment is local
  4. }
  5. if (App::environment('local', 'staging'))
  6. {
  7. // The environment is either local OR staging...
  8. }

Provider Configuration

When using environment configuration, you may want to "append" environment service providers to your primary app configuration file. However, if you try this, you will notice the environment app providers are overriding the providers in your primary app configuration file. To force the providers to be appended, use the append_config helper method in your environment app configuration file:

  1. 'providers' => append_config(array(
  2. 'LocalOnlyServiceProvider',
  3. ))

Protecting Sensitive Configuration

For "real" applications, it is advisable to keep all of your sensitive configuration out of your configuration files. Things such as database passwords, Stripe API keys, and encryption keys should be kept out of your configuration files whenever possible. So, where should we place them? Thankfully, Laravel provides a very simple solution to protecting these types of configuration items using "dot" files.

First, configure your application to recognize your machine as being in the local environment. Next, create a .env.local.php file within the root of your project, which is usually the same directory that contains your composer.json file. The .env.local.php should return an array of key-value pairs, much like a typical Laravel configuration file:

  1. <?php
  2. return array(
  3. 'TEST_STRIPE_KEY' => 'super-secret-sauce',
  4. );

All of the key-value pairs returned by this file will automatically be available via the $_ENV and $_SERVER PHP "superglobals". You may now reference these globals from within your configuration files:

  1. 'key' => $_ENV['TEST_STRIPE_KEY']

Be sure to add the .env.local.php file to your .gitignore file. This will allow other developers on your team to create their own local environment configuration, as well as hide your sensitive configuration items from source control.

Now, On your production server, create a .env.php file in your project root that contains the corresponding values for your production environment. Like the .env.local.php file, the production .env.php file should never be included in source control.

Note: You may create a file for each environment supported by your application. For example, the development environment will load the .env.development.php file if it exists.



要开启维护模式,只需执行Artisan 的 down命令:

  1. php artisan down

要关闭维护模式,只需执行 up 命令:

  1. php artisan up


  1. App::down(function()
  2. {
  3. return Response::view('maintenance', array(), 503);
  4. });

如果传递给 down 方法的闭包返回值为 NULL, 在此次请求中将忽略维护模式。

维护模式 & 队列

当应用程序处于维护模式时, 将不接受新的队列任务 。一旦应用程序退出维护模式,队列任务的处理即恢复正常。