




  • "飞船"语法<||>
  • realize函数

1. 定义两个用户,puppet和root,并将其虚拟化


1.1 在全局作用域中创建对应的pp文件

[root@linuxmaster1poc testing]# tree manifests/
├── nodes
│   ├── puppetclient.pp
│   ├── virtual_group.pp
│   └── virtual_user.pp
└── site.pp

1 directory, 4 files

1.2 创建虚拟用户puppet、root、xiaonuo

[root@linuxmaster1poc testing]# vim manifests/nodes/virtual_user.pp 
class alluser{
  include alluser::puppet,alluser::root

class alluser::puppet{
  @user { 'puppet':
    ensure => present,
    uid    => '52',
    gid    => '52',
    home   => '/var/lib/puppet',
    shell  => '/sbin/nologin',

class alluser::root{
  @user { 'root':
    ensure => present,
    uid    => '0',
    gid    => '0',
    home   => '/root',
    shell  => '/bin/bash',

class alluser::xiaonuo{
  @user { 'xiaonuo':
    ensure => present,
    uid    => '600',
    gid    => '600',
    home   => '/home/xiaonuo',
    shell  => '/sbin/nologin',

1.3 创建虚拟组puppet、root和xiaonuo

[root@linuxmaster1poc testing]# vim manifests/nodes/virtual_group.pp 
class allgroup{
  include allgroup::puppet,allgroup::root

class allgroup::puppet{
  @group { 'puppet':
    ensure    => present,
    name      => 'puppet',
    gid       => '52',
    allowdupe => false,
    members   => 'puppet',

class allgroup::root{
  @group { 'root':
    ensure    => present,
    name      => 'root',
    gid       => '0',
    allowdupe => false,
    members   => 'root',
class allgroup::xiaonuo{
  @group { 'xiaonuo':
    ensure    => present,
    name      => 'xiaonuo',
    gid       => '600',
    allowdupe => false,
    members   => 'xiaonuo',

2. 编写puppet模块,将虚拟资源用户puppet和组puppet实化

2.1 编写pupppet模块

[root@linuxmaster1poc testing]# tree environment/modules/puppet
├── files
├── manifests
│   ├── config.pp
│   ├── init.pp
│   ├── install.pp
│   ├── params.pp
│   └── service.pp
└── templates
    ├── auth.conf.erb
    ├── namespaceauth.conf.erb
    └── puppet.conf.erb

3 directories, 9 files

2.2 编写puppet_linux57poc模块

[root@linuxmaster1poc testing]# tree agents/modules/puppet_linux57poc/
├── files
├── manifests
│   └── init.pp
└── templates
    ├── facts.txt.erb
    └── motd.erb

3 directories, 3 files

2.3 实例化虚拟资源

2.3.1 在puppet模块中实例化

[root@linuxmaster1poc testing]# vim environment/modules/puppet/manifests/config.pp 
class puppet::config{
  include puppet::params
  include puppet::puppet_config,puppet::namespaceauth_config,puppet::auth_config,puppet::user,puppet::group
  include alluser,allgroup #必须将节点作用域中的类包含进来

class puppet::puppet_config{
  file { '/etc/puppet/puppet.conf':
    ensure  => present,
    content => template('puppet/puppet.conf.erb'),
    owner   => 'puppet',
    group   => 'puppet',
    mode    => '0644',
    backup  => main,
    require => Class['puppet::install','puppet::user','puppet::group'],
    notify  => Class['puppet::service'],

class puppet::auth_config{
  file { '/etc/puppet/auth.conf':
    ensure  => present,
    content => template('puppet/auth.conf.erb'),
    owner   => 'puppet',
    group   => 'puppet',
    mode    => '0644',
    backup  => main,
    require => Class['puppet::install','puppet::user','puppet::group'],
    notify  => Class['puppet::service'],

class puppet::namespaceauth_config{
  file { '/etc/puppet/namespaceauth.conf':
    ensure  => present,
    content => template('puppet/namespaceauth.conf.erb'),
    owner   => 'puppet',
    group   => 'puppet',
    mode    => '0644',
    backup  => main,
    require => Class['puppet::install','puppet::user','puppet::group'],
    notify  => Class['puppet::service'],

class puppet::user{ #使用飞船语法实化用户puppet资源
#  realize User['puppet'] 
  User <| title == 'puppet' |>

class puppet::group{ #使用realize函数实化组puppet资源
  realize Group['puppet']
#  Group <| title == 'puppet' |>

2.3.2 在puppet_linux57poc模块中实例化

[root@linuxmaster1poc testing]# cat agents/modules/puppet_linux57poc/manifests/init.pp 
class puppet_linux57poc{
  include puppet_linux57poc::motd_install,puppet_linux57poc::motd_config,puppet_linux57poc::facts,puppet_linux57poc::user,puppet_linux57poc::group
  include alluser,allgroup #必须将节点作用域中的类包含进来

class puppet_linux57poc::motd_install{
  package{ setup:
    ensure => present,
class puppet_linux57poc::motd_config{
  file{ "/etc/motd":
    owner   => "xiaonuo",
    group   => "root",
    mode    => 0440,
    content => template("puppet_linux57poc/motd.erb"),
    backup  => 'main',
    require => Class['puppet_linux57poc::motd_install','puppet_linux57poc::user','puppet_linux57poc::group']
class puppet_linux57poc::facts{
  file{ "/etc/mcollective/facts.txt":
    owner   => "root",
    group   => "root",
    mode    => 0400,
    content => template("puppet_linux57poc/facts.txt.erb"),
    backup  => 'main',
    require => Class['puppet_linux57poc::motd_install','puppet_linux57poc::user','puppet_linux57poc::group']

class puppet_linux57poc::user{  #使用realize函数实化用户xiaonuo和root资源
  realize( User['xiaonuo'], 
           User['root'] )

class puppet_linux57poc::group{ #使用realize函数实化组xiaonuo和root资源
  realize( Group['xiaonuo'],
           Group['root'] )

3. 测试

3.1 测试puppet模块(略)

3.2 测试puppet_linux57poc模块

3.2.1 查看当前系统是否有xiaonuo用户和组

[root@linux57poc puppet]# id xiaonuo
id: xiaonuo: No such user
[root@linux57poc puppet]# cat /etc/group | grep xiaonuo
[root@linux57poc puppet]# 
[root@linux57poc puppet]# ll /etc/motd 
-rwxrwxrwx 1 puppet puppet 313 Jan  2 06:17 /etc/motd

3.2.2 同步puppetmaster

[root@linux57poc puppet]# puppet agent -t --environment=testing
info: Retrieving plugin
info: Loading facts in /var/lib/puppet/lib/facter/fact_apply.rb
info: Caching catalog for puppet_linux57poc.dev.shanghaigm.com
info: Applying configuration version '1389555288'
notice: /Stage[main]/Allservice::Lm_sensors_service/Service[lm_sensors]/ensure: ensure changed 'running' to 'stopped'
notice: /Group[xiaonuo]/ensure: created
notice: /Stage[main]/Alluser::Xiaonuo/User[xiaonuo]/ensure: created
info: FileBucket adding {md5}b2090646c444c5ddf1533749743ebd71
info: /Stage[main]/Mcollective::Facter/File[/etc/mcollective/facts.yaml]: Filebucketed /etc/mcollective/facts.yaml to main with sum b2090646c444c5ddf1533749743ebd71
notice: /Stage[main]/Sysctl::Exec/Exec[sysctl -p >/dev/null &]/returns: executed successfully
notice: /Stage[main]/Puppet_linux57poc::Motd_config/File[/etc/motd]/owner: owner changed 'puppet' to 'xiaonuo'
notice: /Stage[main]/Puppet_linux57poc::Motd_config/File[/etc/motd]/group: group changed 'puppet' to 'root'
notice: /Stage[main]/Puppet_linux57poc::Motd_config/File[/etc/motd]/mode: mode changed '0777' to '0440'
notice: /Stage[main]/Allservice::Bluetooth_service/Service[bluetooth]/ensure: ensure changed 'running' to 'stopped'
notice: Finished catalog run in 4.54 seconds

3.2.3 验证结果是否正确

[root@linux57poc puppet]# id xiaonuo
uid=600(xiaonuo) gid=600(xiaonuo) groups=600(xiaonuo)
[root@linux57poc puppet]# cat /etc/group | grep xiaonuo
[root@linux57poc puppet]# ll /etc/motd 
-r--r----- 1 xiaonuo root 313 Jan  2 06:17 /etc/motd
[root@linux57poc puppet]# 
