<template> <scroller> <wxc-panel title="Clipboard" type="primary"> <wxc-panel title="Copy to clipboard5"> <text style="line-height:40px;font-size:28px">{{textToCopy}}</text> <wxc-button type="info" size="middle" value="Copy" onclick="{{doCopy}}"></wxc-button> </wxc-panel> <wxc-panel title="Paste from clipboard"> <text style="line-height:40px;font-size:28px">{{textFromPaste}}</text> <wxc-button type="info" size="middle" value="Paste" onclick="{{doPaste}}"></wxc-button> </wxc-panel> <wxc-panel title="Result"> <wxc-tip style="margin-bottom: 20px;" value="{{tips}}"></wxc-tip> </wxc-panel> </wxc-panel> </scroller> </template> <script> require('weex-components'); module.exports = { data: { textToCopy : '', textFromPaste: '', tips : '', }, ready : function() { this.tips = "1. Just click COPY button. It will auto generate a string with random text, and copy to system clipboard. \n 2. do copy in another app, then come back and click PASTE button." }, methods: { clicked: function() { var $modal = require('@weex-module/modal'); $modal.toast({'message': 'clicked!', duration: 0.5}); }, doCopy: function() { var self = this var textToCopy = "autoGenerateTextToCopy" + Math.random(); var clipboard = require('@weex-module/clipboard'); clipboard.setString(textToCopy); self.textToCopy = textToCopy; self.tips = "copy done. Now system clipboard has string of '" + textToCopy + "', try PASTE button, or paste in another app." }, doPaste: function() { var clipboard = require('@weex-module/clipboard'); var me = this; clipboard.getString(function(ret) { console.log("paste result is " + JSON.stringify(ret)); me.textFromPaste = JSON.stringify(ret); me.tips = "Paste done. Only support native(Android/iOS) NOW. according to security reason, paste in html5 is not supported."; }); } } }; </script>