<div class="slider single-item">
属性 | 类型 | 默认 | 描述 |
accessibility | boolean | true | Enables tabbing and arrow key navigation |
autoplay | boolean | false | Enables Autoplay |
autoplaySpeed | int(ms) | 3000 | Autoplay Speed in milliseconds |
arrows | boolean | true | Prev/Next Arrows |
centerMode | boolean | false | Enables centered view with partial prev/next slides. Use with odd numbered slidesToShow counts. |
centerPadding | string | '50px' | Side padding when in center mode (px or %) |
cssEase | string | 'ease' | CSS3 Animation Easing |
customPaging | function | n/a | Custom paging templates. See source for use example. |
dots | boolean | false | Show dot indicators |
draggable | boolean | true | Enable mouse dragging |
fade | boolean | false | Enable fade |
easing | string | 'linear' | Add easing for jQuery animate. Use with easing libraries or default easing methods |
infinite | boolean | true | Infinite loop sliding |
lazyLoad | string | 'ondemand' | Set lazy loading technique. Accepts 'ondemand' or 'progressive'. |
onBeforeChange | function | null | Before slide callback |
onAfterChange | function | null | After slide callback |
onInit | function | null | Callback that fires after first initialization |
onReInit | function | null | Callback that fires after every re-initialization |
pauseOnHover | boolean | true | Pause Autoplay On Hover |
responsive | object | none | Object containing breakpoints and settings objects (see demo). Enables settings sets at given screen width. |
slide | element | 'div' | Element query to use as slide |
slidesToShow | int | 1 | # of slides to show |
slidesToScroll | int | 1 | # of slides to scroll |
speed | int(ms) | 300 | Slide/Fade animation speed |
swipe | boolean | true | Enable swiping |
touchMove | boolean | true | Enable slide motion with touch |
touchThreshold | int | 5 | Swipe distance threshold |
vertical | boolean | false | Vertical slide mode |
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