<?php class OwnValidate extends CValidator { /** * Validates the attribute of the object. * If there is any error, the error message is added to the object. * @param CModel $object the object being validated * @param string $attribute the attribute being validated */ protected function validateAttribute($object,$attribute) { if(time() >= $value=$object->$attribute){ $this->addError($object,$attribute,'过期时间不能小于当前时间!'); } } /** * Returns the JavaScript needed for performing client-side validation. * @param CModel $object the data object being validated * @param string $attribute the name of the attribute to be validated. * @return string the client-side validation script. * @see CActiveForm::enableClientValidation */ public function clientValidateAttribute($object,$attribute) { $condition = "((new Date()).getTime() >= (new Date(value).getTime()))"; return " if(".$condition.") { messages.push(".CJSON::encode('过期时间不能小于当前时间!')."); } "; } } ?>