IP地址查询,可以根据IP地址查询到该IP所在的地理经纬度坐标,比如下述例子查询IP 地址58.192.32.1,所在经纬度为118.777802,32.061699,为南京大学所在地。
//--------------------------------- PACKAGE ------------------------------------ package com.pstreets.gisengine.demo.rim; //--------------------------------- IMPORTS ------------------------------------ import com.mapdigit.gis.DigitalMap; import com.mapdigit.gis.MapPoint; import com.mapdigit.gis.geometry.GeoLatLng; import com.mapdigit.gis.raster.MapType; import com.mapdigit.gis.service.IIpAddressGeocodingListener; import com.mapdigit.gis.service.IpAddressLocation; import com.pstreets.gisengine.demo.MapDemoRIM; import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.Menu; import net.rim.device.api.ui.MenuItem; //[------------------------------ MAIN CLASS ----------------------------------] public class MapIpSearchRIM extends MapDemoRIM implements IIpAddressGeocodingListener { /** * Entry point for application * @param args Command line arguments (not used) */ public static void main(String[] args) { // Create a new instance of the application and make the currently // running thread the application's event dispatch thread. MapIpSearchRIM theApp = new MapIpSearchRIM(); theApp.enterEventDispatcher(); } private MenuItem mapFindAddressMenuItem = new MenuItem("Find Address", 0, 0){ public void run(){ map.getIpLocations(""); } }; public MapIpSearchRIM() { init(); pushScreen(canvas); map.setIpAddressGeocodingListener(this); GeoLatLng center = new GeoLatLng(32.0616667, 118.7777778); map.setCenter(center, 13, MapType.MICROSOFTCHINA); } public void done(String query, IpAddressLocation result) { if (result != null && result.error.length() == 0 && result.longitude.length() > 0 && result.latitude.length() > 0) { try { MapPoint mapPoint = new MapPoint(); String latLng = "[" + result.longitude + "," + result.latitude + ",0]"; mapPoint.point = DigitalMap.fromStringToLatLng(latLng); mapPoint.setName(result.organization); mapPoint.setNote(result.city + " " + result.country); map.panTo(mapPoint.point); } catch (Exception e) { result.error = "IP_NOT_FOUND"; } } } protected void createMenu(Menu menu, int instance){ menu.add(mapFindAddressMenuItem); } }
ISP:”China Education and Research Network”
Organization: “Nan Jing University”
Country: “CN”
City: “Nanjing”
你可以输入 查询本机地址。