//--------------------------------- PACKAGE ------------------------------------ package com.pstreets.gisengine.demo.rim; //--------------------------------- IMPORTS ------------------------------------ import com.mapdigit.gis.MapDirection; import com.mapdigit.gis.geometry.GeoLatLng; import com.mapdigit.gis.raster.MapType; import com.mapdigit.gis.service.IRoutingListener; import com.pstreets.gisengine.demo.MapDemoRIM; import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.Menu; import net.rim.device.api.ui.MenuItem; //[------------------------------ MAIN CLASS ----------------------------------] /** * Map routing demo for Guidebee Map API on RIM platform. * <hr><b>© Copyright 2011 Guidebee, Inc. All Rights Reserved.</b> * @version 1.00, 10/02/11 * @author Guidebee Pty Ltd. */ public class MapRoutingRIM extends MapDemoRIM implements IRoutingListener { /** * Entry point for application * @param args Command line arguments (not used) */ public static void main(String[] args) { // Create a new instance of the application and make the currently // running thread the application's event dispatch thread. MapRoutingRIM theApp = new MapRoutingRIM(); theApp.enterEventDispatcher(); } private MenuItem mapGetDirectionMenuItem = new MenuItem("Get Direction", 0, 0){ public void run(){ String name1 = "南京"; String name2 = "北京"; map.getDirections("from: " + name1 + " to: " + name2); } }; public MapRoutingRIM() { init(); pushScreen(canvas); map.setRoutingListener(this); GeoLatLng center = new GeoLatLng(32.0616667, 118.7777778); map.setCenter(center, 13, MapType.MICROSOFTCHINA); } public void done(String arg0, MapDirection result) { if (result != null) { map.setMapDirection(result); map.resize(result.getBound()); map.setZoom(5); } } protected void createMenu(Menu menu, int instance){ menu.add(mapGetDirectionMenuItem); } }
地图服务可以选择使用Google 地图服务,CloudMade地图服务,在中国还可能选择MapAbc地图服务,缺省使用Google 地图服务。
getDirections()具有三个重载函数,例子中是采用的文字描述方式。上述示例采用了from: address1 to: address2 的格式, CloudMade地图服务和MapAbc地图服务则必需采用 经度1,纬度1,经度2,纬度2和格式。
public void getDirection(GeoLatLng[] waypoints, IRoutingListener listener);
其中 waypoints 为途径点坐标数组经纬值,可以支持多点路径查询。
此外对于MapAbc 地图服务,还可以指定城市编码,如南京编码为25。
public void getDirection(int citycode,String query, IRoutingListener listener);