private void Gradients() { /* The linear gradient color */ LinearGradientBrush brush1; /* The radial gradient color */ RadialGradientBrush brush2; int[] fractions = new[] { 13, 242 }; Color[] colors = new[] { new Color(0xffff6600, false), new Color(0xffffff66, false) }; brush1 = new LinearGradientBrush(50, 50, 150, 125, fractions, colors, Brush.NoCycle); fractions = new int[] { 13, 128, 255 }; colors = new[]{new Color(0xffff6600,false),new Color(0xffffff66,false), new Color(0xffff6600,false)}; brush2 = new RadialGradientBrush(90, 100, 50, fractions, colors); //Clear the canvas with white color. graphics2D.Clear(Color.White); graphics2D.FillRectangle(brush1, new Rectangle(10, 75, 120, 80)); Pen pen = new Pen(brush2, 8); graphics2D.DrawOval(pen, 20, 60, 100, 50); }