Google SiteMap简介: Google推出的Sitemap,是对原来robots.txt的扩展,它使用XML格式来记录整个网站的信息并供Google读取,使搜索引擎能更快更全面的收录网站的内容。Sitemap的作用就好像为网站提供了整站的RSS,而Google就是这些RSS的订阅者,只要网站有更新就会自动通知Google。这样一来,搜索引擎的收录由被动的Pull变成了主动的Push,辛苦的Google爬虫们终于可以松一口气了。 不过就目前来说,Google Sitemap还不是一个能让每个站长都方便使用的东西。其要求的XML格式虽不是很复杂,但要手工制作还是需要费不少功夫。虽然Google提供了Sitemap自动生成器,但目前只有python语言的版本, 能用上的也是少数,这个在实践中是得到了证实的,我看了N天都是一头雾水。不过Google Sitemap是按照创作共用协议发布的,Sitemap生成器也是开源的,所以相关的工具也很快出现了,我在网上就曾找到针对L-BLOG(此工具你可以参阅本博客直接生成XML的Google SiteMap代码ASP 4 LBLOG版本一文)、O-BLOG、DVBBS自动生成Sitemap的工具,只要简单的修改,各位站长和Blogger们就可以方便的使用这项服务了。 简单点说,就是你以XML的格式向Google提交一个站点地图,以后google就会根据这个地图,阶段性地抓取该地图指出的页面。抱怨google收入页面太少的朋友不妨一试。 以下是我找到的两个版本(ASP和PHP版)的网站SiteMap.xml生成工具,我现在用的就是以下ASP版的,经过测试了,我网站缘聚杭州生成的SiteMap文件:,而下面的PHP版的代码,由于不是很懂,都没有测试过,大家可以试试如有错误,只有敬请谅解了!
<% Server.ScriptTimeout=50000 ' sitemap_gen.asp ' A simple script to automatically produce sitemaps for a webserver, in the Google Sitemap Protocol (GSP) ' by Francesco Passantino ' ' v0.2 released 5 june 2005 (Listing a directory tree recursively improvement) ' ' BSD 2.0 license, ' ' 收集整理: 重庆森林 ' 部分修改: 独人向晚QQ19433114 session("server")="" '你的域名 vDir = "/" '制作SiteMap的目录,相对目录(相对于根目录而言) set objfso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") root = Server.MapPath(vDir) 'response.ContentType = "text/xml" 'response.write "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>" 'response.write "<urlset xmlns=''>" str = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>" & vbcrlf str = str & "<urlset xmlns=''>" & vbcrlf Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(root) 'response.write getfilelink(objFolder.Path,objFolder.dateLastModified) Set colFiles = objFolder.Files For Each objFile In colFiles 'response.write getfilelink(objFile.Path,objfile.dateLastModified) str = str & getfilelink(objFile.Path,objfile.dateLastModified) & vbcrlf Next ShowSubFolders(objFolder) 'response.write "</urlset>" str = str & "</urlset>" & vbcrlf set fso = nothing Set objStream = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") With objStream '.Type = adTypeText '.Mode = adModeReadWrite .Open .Charset = "utf-8" .Position = objStream.Size .WriteText=str .SaveToFile server.mappath("/sitemap.xml"),2 '生成的XML文件名 .Close End With Set objStream = Nothing If Not Err Then Response.Write("<script>alert('成功生成站点地图!');history.back();</script>") Response.End End If Sub ShowSubFolders(objFolder) Set colFolders = objFolder.SubFolders For Each objSubFolder In colFolders if folderpermission(objSubFolder.Path) then 'response.write getfilelink(objSubFolder.Path,objSubFolder.dateLastModified) str = str & getfilelink(objSubFolder.Path,objSubFolder.dateLastModified) & vbcrlf Set colFiles = objSubFolder.Files For Each objFile In colFiles 'response.write getfilelink(objFile.Path,objFile.dateLastModified) str = str & getfilelink(objFile.Path,objFile.dateLastModified) & vbcrlf Next ShowSubFolders(objSubFolder) end if Next End Sub Function getfilelink(file,datafile) file=replace(file,root,"",1,-1,1) file=replace(file,"\","/") If FileExtensionIsBad(file) then Exit Function if month(datafile)<10 then filedatem="0" if day(datafile)<10 then filedated="0" filedate=year(datafile)&"-"&filedatem&month(datafile)&"-"&filedated&day(datafile) getfilelink = "<url><loc>"&server.htmlencode(session("server")&file)&"</loc><lastmod>"&filedate&"</lastmod><changefreq>daily</changefreq><priority>1.0</priority></url>" Response.Flush End Function Function Folderpermission(pathName) '需要过滤的目录(不列在SiteMap里面) PathExclusion=Array("\blog","\temp","\_vti_cnf","_vti_pvt","_vti_log","cgi-bin","\admin","\edu") Folderpermission =True for each PathExcluded in PathExclusion if instr(ucase(pathName),ucase(PathExcluded))>0 then Folderpermission = False exit for end if next End Function Function FileExtensionIsBad(sFileName) Dim sFileExtension, bFileExtensionIsValid, sFileExt 'modify for your file extension ( Extensions = Array("asp","png","jpeg","zip","pdf","ps","html","htm","php","wk1","wk2","wk3","wk4","wk5","wki","wks","wku","lwp","mw","xls","ppt","doc","wks","wps","wdb","wri","rtf","ans","txt") '设置列表的文件名,扩展名不在其中的话SiteMap则不会收录该扩展名的文件 if len(trim(sFileName)) = 0 then FileExtensionIsBad = true Exit Function end if sFileExtension = right(sFileName, len(sFileName) – instrrev(sFileName, ".")) bFileExtensionIsValid = false 'assume extension is bad for each sFileExt in extensions if ucase(sFileExt) = ucase(sFileExtension) then bFileExtensionIsValid = True exit for end if next FileExtensionIsBad = not bFileExtensionIsValid End Function %>
<?php /** * @author Tobias Kluge, * @version 0.2, 2005-06-05 17:40 PT * @status working * @update Aditya Naik, * @Licence: LGPL * * editor: */ header('Content-type: application/xml; charset="GB2312"',true); $website = ""; /* change this */ $page_root = "/usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/subdomains/my/httpdocs"; /* change this */ /* maybe change this: */ $changefreq = "weekly"; //"always", "hourly", "daily", "weekly", "monthly", "yearly" and "never". $priority = 0.8; /* this sets the last modification date of all pages to the current date */ $last_modification = date("Y-m-d\TH:i:s") . substr(date("O"),0,3) . ":" . substr(date("O"),3); /* list of allowed directories */ $allow_dir[] = "web"; /* list of disallowed directories */ $disallow_dir[] = "admin"; $disallow_dir[] = "_notes"; /* list of disallowed file types */ $disallow_file[] = ".inc"; $disallow_file[] = ".old"; $disallow_file[] = ".save"; $disallow_file[] = ".txt"; $disallow_file[] = ".js"; $disallow_file[] = "~"; $disallow_file[] = ".LCK"; $disallow_file[] = ".zip"; $disallow_file[] = ".ZIP"; $disallow_file[] = ".CSV"; $disallow_file[] = ".csv"; $disallow_file[] = ".css"; $disallow_file[] = ".class"; $disallow_file[] = ".jar"; $disallow_file[] = ".mno"; $disallow_file[] = ".bak"; $disallow_file[] = ".lck"; $disallow_file[] = ".BAK"; /* simple compare function: equals */ function ar_contains($key, $array) { foreach ($array as $val) { if ($key == $val) { return true; } } return false; } /* better compare function: contains */ function fl_contains($key, $array) { foreach ($array as $val) { $pos = strpos($key, $val); if ($pos === FALSE) continue; return true; } return false; } /* this function changes a substring($old_offset) of each array element to $offset */ function changeOffset($array, $old_offset, $offset) { $res = array(); foreach ($array as $val) { $res[] = str_replace($old_offset, $offset, $val); } return $res; } /* this walks recursivly through all directories starting at page_root and adds all files that fits the filter criterias */ // taken from Lasse Dalegaard, function getFiles($directory, $directory_orig = "", $directory_offset="") { global $disallow_dir, $disallow_file, $allow_dir; if ($directory_orig == "") $directory_orig = $directory; if($dir = opendir($directory)) { // Create an array for all files found $tmp = Array(); // Add the files while($file = readdir($dir)) { // Make sure the file exists if($file != "." && $file != ".." && $file[0] != '.' ) { // If it's a directiry, list all files within it //echo "point1<br>"; if(is_dir($directory . "/" . $file)) { //echo "point2<br>"; $disallowed_abs = fl_contains($directory."/".$file, $disallow_dir); // handle directories with pathes $disallowed = ar_contains($file, $disallow_dir); // handle directories only without pathes $allowed_abs = fl_contains($directory."/".$file, $allow_dir); $allowed = ar_contains($file, $allow_dir); if ($disallowed || $disallowed_abs) continue; if ($allowed_abs || $allowed){ $tmp2 = changeOffset(getFiles($directory . "/" . $file, $directory_orig, $directory_offset), $directory_orig, $directory_offset); if(is_array($tmp2)) { $tmp = array_merge($tmp, $tmp2); } } } else { // files if (fl_contains($file, $disallow_file)) continue; array_push($tmp, str_replace($directory_orig, $directory_offset, $directory."/".$file)); } } } // Finish off the function closedir($dir); return $tmp; } } $a = getFiles($page_root); echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'; ?> <urlset xmlns=""> <?php foreach ($a as $file) : ?> <url> <loc><?php echo utf8_encode($website.$file); ?></loc> <lastmod><?php echo utf8_encode(date("Y-m-d\TH:i:s", filectime($page_root.$file)). substr(date("O"),0,3) . ":" . substr(date("O"),3));?></lastmod> <changefreq><?php echo utf8_encode($changefreq); ?></changefreq> <priority><?php echo utf8_encode($priority); ?></priority> </url> <?php endforeach; ?> </urlset>
参数说明: $website–你的域名 $page_root–你的站点的绝对路径 $changefreq–更新时间单位 "always"(始终), "hourly"(小时), "daily"(天), "weekly"(星期), "monthly"(月), "yearly" "never"(从不) $priority–更新频率 $allow_dir–允许列表的目录 $disallow_dir–禁止列表的目录 $disallow_file–禁止列表的文件类型
制作过程说明: 将以上代码复制到本地存为sitemap.asp或sitemap.php,上传到你的服务器网站的根目录下,运行一下就可以在你指定的目录中(建议最好是指定为根目录)自动生成一个sitemap.xml文件了。最后进入google提交页面:,有gmail的可以用gmail直接登录。登录后把生成的xml文件地址按步骤提交就可以了。注:你的网站如果增加了新的页面,可以在增加完后再运行一下sitemap.asp或sitemap.php,并再重新提交一下sitemap.xml文件,这样就可以保证sitemap.xml文件的不断更新了!
相关网址: Google SiteMap官方生成器及其说明: Google 的相关探索与研究: 一种手动制作分析制作SiteMap方法: 另一个PHP版的sitemap生成程序: 点击下载 运行界面: ================================================================== 自动生成符合GOOGLE要求的网站地图文件 Copyright Top flood 原作者 : Kloh : TimeSplitters' Games; ImmortalPC :Immortal-PC
Laozei汉化整理 – IP查询、手机地理位置查询、身份证查询
注: 1.请把本程序放入网站根目录执行 2.程序执行前请修改如下参数(或常量)以符合你网站要求: LIMITLIENPARFICHIER LIMITLIENINDEXE $ExtensionsAutorises $DossiersInterdits $FichiersInterdits 3.程序将把列表写入多个xml文件(如果你网页比较多的话) 4.sitemap(x).xml文件将写入根目录 URL列表(将写入sitemap)中。。。 ./feed.php ./index.php ./error.php ./guestbook.php ./read.php ./tag.php ./tb.php ./view.php ./visit.php 9 行网址将被写入sitemap文件. sitemap.xml文件生成完毕… 生成文件 sitemap.xml 全部生成完毕