
Silverlight 引路蜂二维图形库示例:路径

jerry Silverligth 2015年11月26日 收藏


private void Paths()
 AffineTransform mat1;

 /* The path.  */
 Path path;

 /** Colors */
 Color redColor = new Color(0x96ff0000, true);
 Color greenColor = new Color(0xff00ff00, false);
 Color blueColor = new Color(0x750000ff, true);

 string pathdata =
    "M 60 20 Q -40 70 60 120 Q 160 70 60 20 z";
 mat1 = new AffineTransform();
 mat1.Translate(30, 40);
 mat1.Rotate(-30 * Math.PI / 180.0);
 path = Path.FromString(pathdata);
 //Clear the canvas with white color.

 graphics2D.AffineTransform = new AffineTransform();
 SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(greenColor);
 graphics2D.Fill(brush, path);
 graphics2D.AffineTransform = mat1;

 brush = new SolidBrush(blueColor);
 Pen pen = new Pen(redColor, 5);
 graphics2D.SetPenAndBrush(pen, brush);
 graphics2D.Draw(null, path);
 graphics2D.Fill(null, path);
