21.2.1 I/O优化的一个小技巧


local lines, rest = f:read(BUFSIZE, "*line")


local BUFSIZE = 2^13        -- 8K

local f = io.input(arg[1])  -- open input file

local cc, lc, wc = 0, 0, 0  -- char, line, and word counts


while true do

    local lines, rest = f:read(BUFSIZE, "*line")

    if not lines then break end

    if rest then lines = lines .. rest .. '\n' end

    cc = cc + string.len(lines)

    -- count words in the chunk

    local _,t = string.gsub(lines, "%S+", "")

    wc = wc + t

    -- count newlines in the chunk

    _,t = string.gsub(lines, "\n", "\n")

    lc = lc + t



print(lc, wc, cc)

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